BACK TO SCHOOL – with Macmillan Education

This year Macmillan Education is hosting six short and practical sessions live on LinkedIn and Facebook. Each 20-minute session will look at one of the key challenges teachers have told us they’re facing at the moment, such as lost learning or rebuilding face-to-face connections.
We kick off on Monday 22nd August so diaries at the ready!
You can join for free.
Monday 22nd August:
Mind the Learning Gap – with Claudia Rey
LinkedIn – 12:00 PM EET time on
Facebook – 4:00 PM EET time on
- We’ll look at how teachers can address some of the lost learning caused by the pandemic and explore some practical ways of differentiating our lessons.
Wednesday 24th August:
(Re-)Breaking the Ice – with Jonathan Hadley
LinkedIn – 12:00 PM EET time on
Facebook – 4:00 PM EET time on
- Teaching a new group or perhaps face-to-face for the first time? This webinar will present activities for getting to know your students and setting the right tone for student-centered learning.
Wednesday 31st August:
Rebuilding Connections Face-to-Face – with Jonathan Hadley
LinkedIn – 12:00 PM EET time on
Facebook – 4:00 PM EET time on
- Back to face-to-face classes? This webinar will explore ways to promote cohesion in your classes, between teacher and students and amongst the students themselves, with ideas for strengthening group dynamics.
Friday 2nd September:
Helping Learners Manage Pressure – with Kateryna Protsenko
LinkedIn – 12:00 PM EET time on
Facebook – 4:00 PM EET time on
- In this short talk we’re going to explore some practical tips and techniques for helping learners identify and manage pressure and stress in a learning environment.
Monday 5th September:
Planning for Hybrid – with Russell Stannard
LinkedIn – 12:00 PM EET time on
Facebook – 4:00 PM EET time on
- We will look at lesson planning tips for delivering hybrid lessons. This is for teachers teaching hybrid every day or using hybrid as an emergency measure.
Wednesday 7th September:
A Letter to My Future Self – with Emma Heyderman
LinkedIn – 12:00 PM EET time on
Facebook – 4:00 PM EET time on
- We’ll look at how teachers and both their younger and older students can set reading and writing goals for themselves for the coming school year by writing a simple letter.
About the speakers:

Claudia Rey was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and started off her teaching career as an ELT teacher for Primary School. She later became a Secondary School ELT teacher and a college lecturer in Children´s Literature.
She has been a NILE trainer since 2007 specializing in the areas of Teaching Young Learners, CLIL for Primary Teachers, CLIL for Secondary Teachers and Teaching English through Literature in Secondary School. She is also an online course designer and tutor.

Jonathan Hadley has worked in English Language Teaching for over 25 years as an English teacher, teacher trainer and curriculum/materials writer. With MAs in Arabic and Islamic Studies and Applied Linguistics, as well as a Diploma in English Language Teaching, he now specialises in educational reform programmes, working with educational institutions and Ministries of Education.

Kateryna Protsenko has been working in ELT for almost 9 years. She’s taught and trained teachers in Ukraine, Turkey, Lebanon and Thailand, and is now working as a Director of Academic and Teacher Training Departments at International Language Centre in Kyiv.
Her interests include developing speaking skills, educational management and psychology in education.

Russell Stannard is the founder of and a NILE associate trainer where he runs a ‘Flipping your Classes’ course and works on the MA course. He is the winner of 3 educational awards including the Times Higher ‘Outstanding Initiative in Technology’ and the British Council ‘ELTons Innovation Award’. Russell writes regular columns in the English Teaching Professional and has published widely in the area of feedback, collaboration and the use of screen capture. He is truly an international speaker, having presented in over 40 countries around the world.

Emma Heyderman has been involved in ELT since 1989 as a teacher, teacher trainer, and academic director, most recently for International House, San Sebastián. She runs workshops for local teachers and is a regular speaker at national and international events. Emma’s also a materials writer, her published works for Macmillan include Interface and Get Involved.
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