

Câștigă timpul de partea ta și fii la curent cu cele mai interesante evenimente Cărturești care au loc în București. Lansări de carte, ateliere creative, spectacole interactive și multe alte activități care îți îmbogățesc sufletul și mintea.

Teaching and motivating adult learners online (and offline) – Rhona Snelling

Teaching and motivating adult learners online (and offline) – Rhona Snelling

Teaching and motivating adult learners online (and offline) – Rhona Snelling
Thursday, 10th June 2021
Choose one of the sessions – 12:00-13:00/17:00-18:00/23:30-24:30 EET
In this webinar, Rhona Snelling explores the meaning and role of motivation in the young adult/adult language classroom, and the positives of teaching online. This interactive webinar will discuss useful points to remember and present practical classroom activities and ideas.

Lansarea hărții „Drum bun”

Lansarea hărții „Drum bun”

Centrul Ceh lansează harta Drum Bun! După mai mulți ani în care contul de Instagram Protect Public Space a devenit o adevărată colecție de fotografii cu simboluri ale arhitecturii socialist-moderniste, a venit momentul ca acest proiect să ia o formă fizică – o hartă ce va fi lansată pe 27[mai mult...]
Cărturești deschide Parcul Copiilor virtual

Cărturești deschide Parcul Copiilor virtual

Din 27 mai până în 1 iunie 2021, Cărturești deschide Parcul Copiilor online cu multe activități de experimentat – de la ateliere de lectură la cele de meșterit povești sau obiecte. Lasă-te furat de deliciile intelectuale ale copilăriei și înscrie-te în cele cinci zile bogate în vitaminele cunoașterii pentru că[mai mult...]
Roy Norris – Getting Ready for B2 First

Roy Norris – Getting Ready for B2 First

3rd June 2021 – time: 17.00-18.00 EET.
If you have questions about the Cambridge B2 First exam, you might find the answers you need in this one-hour question and answer session with Roy Norris, author of Ready for B2 First 4th edition and Straight to First.

Online Jolly Phonics Sessions FREE – May, June, July 2021

Online Jolly Phonics Sessions FREE – May, June, July 2021

Online Jolly Phonics Sessions FREE, with co-authors Sue Lloyd & Sara Wernham
Get Started with Jolly Phonics – 25th May / 22nd June /13th July 2021
Extending Jolly Phonics through KS1 – 27th May / 24th June / 15th July 2021
So much more than just letters and sounds! Jolly Phonics is a fun and affordable phonics programme that’s easy to implement in the classroom and can grow with your children as they progress through their school years.

Jeff Kuhn – Level Up Your Teaching with Digital Gaming

Jeff Kuhn – Level Up Your Teaching with Digital Gaming

25th May 2021 (from 13:00-14:00 or 17:00-18:00 EET).
In this webinar we will explore games not only as software, but as a literacy. By examining games as a literacy, we can better begin to understand their strengths and weaknesses as a classroom tool and how best to use them in our teaching practice.

MM Conversations: What’s on your mind?

MM Conversations: What’s on your mind?

It’s Time to Take Action!
Over the past few months you, our fellow teachers, have sent us questions, thoughts or topics that matter to you. On 10/5/2021, we will deliver our last MM Conversations, once again sharing opinions with educators from around the world. But this time, it will be done with a twist! As Mark Twain once wrote: “Action speaks louder than words… but not nearly as often.”