'For however long we must keep our distance, we will continue to create, to reinvent, to strive and to feed our creativity. At a time where performers are needed more than ever, training the next generation of performers must go on!' Glyn Trefor-Jones, from his Introduction
Drama Menu is the revolutionary, hugely popular concept that has transformed the planning and delivery of drama classes for teachers and workshop leaders around the world. Choose an Appetiser or two, a Starter, a Main Course and a Dessert - and voilà! - you'll have a delicious, dramatic banquet for your students.
This new collection, Drama Menu at a Distance - created specifically to help anyone teaching drama during the COVID-19 pandemic - brings you 80 games and exercises, all of which are safe and secure to play in this new era of socially distanced teaching and online learning.
It offers dynamic, brand-new exercises to energise, excite and inspire your group, alongside some firm favourites, redesigned to be played within the necessary constraints. Also included is an introduction by the author, with advice and suggestions to support you in delivering your session.
Drama Menu at a Distance is the essential recipe book you need to eliminate the challenges of planning lessons and workshops in the 'new normal', and leave you with more time for playing. Stay safe and bon appétit!