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      Singur acasa 2 - Pierdut in New York / Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

      Singur acasa 2 - Pierdut in New York / Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

      7.0 / 10 (14 voturi)
      Film artistic
      John Hughes
      1.85:1 / 16x9

      Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern

      Tara de origine:
      Data publicarii:
      Numar de discuri:
      Format video:
      Format audio:
      Dolby Digital
      araba, bulgara, croata, estona, romana, rusa
      engleza (dolby digital 5.1), bulgara, rusa (stereo)
      Rating C.N.C.:
      Regiunea DVD:
      Cod de bare:

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      Transport gratuit peste 150 de lei.
      Retur gratuit în 14 zile.
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      Kevin McAllister si familia lui se pregatesc sa mearga la Miami pe timpul sarbatorilor. La aeroport, Kevin se pierde de-ai lui si ajunge pe un avion catre New York. Ajuns in oras, Kevin reuseste sa ia un taxi pana la Plaza Hotel unde, folosindu-se de cartea de credit a tatalui sau, isi inchiriaza un apartament. Pe timpul sederii sale, Kevin se imprieteneste cu un proprietar al unui magazin de jucarii pe nume Marv, si cu o femeie fara adapost indragostita de porumbei. Dar el da si peste fostii sa dusmani, Harry si Marv, care tocmai au iesit de la puscarie. Cand Kevin afla ca cei doi vor sa jefuiasca magazinul lui Marv in ajunul Craciunului, isi face un plan pentru a-i opri. Intre timp, mama lui Kevin realizeaza ca cel mic s-a pierdut de ei si incearca acum sa-l gaseasca.

      Recenzii și comentarii

      What's the speed? Nota 10

      de Mary Munteanu | 31/08/2019 15:57

      Takaki and Akari have been friends since elementary school. There has always been a love between the two of them and when Akari’s family has to move into a different district, the two are separated. Even so, their feelings seem to still grow. Chapter by chapter the two grow closer and decide to meet in one winter day. And chapter by chapter their little contact starts to dwindle until it stops. The tag line for ‘5 centimeters per second’ was that this is the speed at which cherry blossoms fall. The cherry blossoms are a symbol of first love for the Japanese and the specific speed of 5 centimeters per second takes a different tone – it is also the speed at which people grow apart from each other. The whole book has a strong sense of longing, especially since it’s mostly from Takaki’s point of view. As with “Your Name” the manga version adds scenes to this version of ‘5 centimeters per second’, showing more of the other characters, and yet the sense of longing never disappears. This is a story of the ‘one that got away’ in the most painful way – because of distance and time, two things you cannot control.

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