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      100 Flowers from the RHS - pret pe bucata
      100 Flowers from the RHS - pret pe bucata

      100 Flowers from the RHS - pret pe bucata

      6.7 / 10 ( 3 votes)
      Country of Origin:
      Marea Britanie
      Dimensions: H: 17.1cm | l: 11.4cm
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      Publisher's Synopsis

      Pret pe bucata. Produs disponibil in mai multe modele. Livrarea se va face in functie de disponibilitate. / Price for one postcard. Sold separately.

      The Libraries of the Royal Horticultural Society hold the world's finest collection of printed material on gardens and gardening and a selection of the best botanical paintings from this collection is featured here. One Hundred Flowers from the RHS gathers together the most striking images to create 100 different postcards to send, keep or frame. The earliest works of art date from the late 17th or early 18th century and are by an anonymous Italian artist and the latest are from the middle of the 20th century. The one hundred postcards are stored in a sturdy box with a lift up lid.

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