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      Agenda 2019 - Anticipation, medie
      Agenda 2019 - Anticipation, medie

      Agenda 2019 - Anticipation, medie

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      Dimensiuni: H: 17cm | l: 12cm
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      “Childhood is a time of great discovery. It is a time when every morning brings new knowledge about the world and you can’t wait to get up and explore. Most of the people I grew up with were of humble origin, working in fields and on farms. You can see this in my paintings. The stories and faces of these people, ones with big hearts, calloused hands and smiley eyes, live in my imagination and provide me with endless inspiration.”

      - Victor Nizovtsev

      When we first encountered the magical artwork of Victor Nizovtsev, we were instantly transported to the wonder and imagination of being a child. We knew we wanted to capture that feeling in a series of journal covers.

      Nizovtsev, who now resides in Maryland, was born in 1965 in Ulan-Ude, Siberia. At age seven he began attending art school and later studied fashion design and decorative painting at the elite Vera Mukhina University for Industrial Arts in St. Petersburg, Russia. In his work, one can feel the influence of both his childhood and his formal training. Technically brilliant and encompassing both academic formalism and surrealism, his work hearkens back to the golden age of children’s book illustration.

      Nizovtsev’s subjects invoke the fantastic figures that linger deep in our collective imaginations. His techniques, such as the use of translucent glazes, bewitch with colour and light. Beyond these delightful characters and inspired colour choices lie hidden symbols and clues, inviting you to awaken your imagination as you uncover the possibilities within each work.

      Our Anticipation cover highlights Nizovtsev’s way with colour and hues, capturing a serene and contemplative mermaid surrounded by the glow of floating lanterns. Within the art of Nizovtsev, the infinite possibilities of childhood are awakened – expansive opportunities just waiting to be discovered. We hope that his enchanting works help you to remember and realise the boundless dreams of your own childhood.
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