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      Dictionar roman-francez, francez-roman

      Dictionar roman-francez, francez-roman

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      Dimensions: l: 13cm | H: 20cm
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      Publisher's Synopsis
      Dictionarul cuprinde aproximativ 16 000 de termeni, selectati din fondul principal de cuvinte al limbii romane. Nu se mentioneaza regionalisme, arhaisme, termeni tehnici de stricta specialitate sau expresii de circulatie restransa.
      Dictionarul urmareste sa nuanteze cat mai mult sensurile unui cuvant si sa ofere cele mai uzuale expresii in care acesta este folosit pentru a oferi publicului roman posibilitatea de a alege sensul sau expresia adecvata contextului respectiv. S-a considerat necesar ca uneori, pentru o mai precisa departajare a sensurilor, anumite definitii sa fie insotite de explicatii suplimentare sau de exemplificari. In multe cazuri, termenul francez este insotit de explicatii privind contextul in care este folosit in functie de sensurile cuvantului romanesc, sau de unele explicatii gramaticale. Sunt clarificate astfel anumite dificultati privind folosirea pronumelor, regimul prepozitional al complementelor verbale, folosirea modului in subordonate

      The dictionary contains almost 16 000 terms selected from the romanian basic word stock. There are no localisms, archaisms, technical terms or rarely used idioms.
      The dictionary aims to cover most of the meanings of a word and to offer the most usual idioms in which it can be found. Therefore, the romanian public would have the opportunity to choose the adequate meaning or idiom according to a certain context.
      Sometimes, for emphasizing the different meanings, certain definitions are accompanied by additional explanations or examples.
      In many cases, the French term is accompanied by explanations related to the context or by grammatical explanations. Therefore, many difficulties related to the usage of pronouns and the prepositional regime of the verbal complements are clarified.
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