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Galetusa cu bomboane in forma de coliere si acadele dextroza - Colliers et sucettes dextrose

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Acadele: dextroza, sirop de glucoza, acidifiant: E330, antiaglomerant: E470b, E471, maltodextrina, arome naturale, concentrat de sfecla, extract de paprika, coloranti : E160a, E163./ Coliere: dextroza, sirop de glucoza, acidifiant: E330, antiaglomerant: E470b, E471, maltodextrina, arome naturale, ulei vegetal de cocos, concentrat de sfecla, extract de paprika, coloranti : E160a, E163..
Nutrition Facts:
Valori energetice: 367 Kcal / 1556 kJ | Grasimi : 1,6 g | Acizi grasi saturati : 1,5 g | Glucide : 88 g | Zaharuri: 86 g | Proteine: 0 g | Sare : < 0,5 g
Country of Origin:
Dimensions: 220g

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