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      Ghid de conversatie roman-englez

      Ghid de conversatie roman-englez

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      Prescurtari (Abbreviations) • Cateva dintre cele mai uzuale abrevieri
      I. Functii ale limbii
      A invita/A accepta, a refuza o invitatie (Inviting/Accepting, refusing an invitation)
      Informal (Informal) • Formal, Informal (Formal, Informal) • Acceptul ( Accepting) • Refuzul (Refusing) • A sfatui (Giving advice) • A cere informatii (Asking for information) • Exprimarea parerii personale (Expressing personal opinions) • A-ti oferi ajutorul/A-l primi/A-l refuza (Offering to do something for someone/Accepting an offer of help/Refusing an offer of help) • A-ti exprima ingrijorarea (Expressing worries and fear) • A-ti exprima compasiunea (Showing sympathy) • A incuraja (Encouraging) • A exprima certitudinea/incertitudinea/ probabilitatea/posibilitatea/indoiala permisiunea (Expressing degrees of certainty/uncertainty/ probability/possibility/doubt and permission) • Cererea permisiunii (Asking for permission) • Acordarea permisiunii (Giving permission) • Refuzul permisiunii (Refusing permission) • A exprima intentia (Expressing intention) • A exprima entuziasmul (Expressing enthusiasm) • A-ti arata iritarea (Showing irritation) • A exprima acordul/dezacordul/rezervarea (Expressing agreement/disagreement / reserve) • A exprima surpriza/curiozitatea/indiferenta/usurarea (Expressing surprise/curiosity / indifference/relief) • Exprimarea preferintelor (Expressing likes/ dislikes)
      A cere scuze/a multumi/a face complimente/ felicitari/urari (Apologising/thanking/paying compliments/congratulation)
      A cere scuze (Apologising) • Acceptarea unei scuze (Accepting an apology) • A multumi (Thanking) • A raspunde la multumiri (Responding to thanks) • A face complimente (Paying compliments) • Felicitari (Congratulations)
      Salutari si prezentari (Greetings and introducing)
      Saluturi (Greetings) • Prezentari (Introducing oneself and someone else)
      Intrebari (Questions)
      Exprimarea dorintei (Expressing wishes)
      Cum exprimam schimbarea unui plan (Describing changes of plan)
      A avea ceva facut / de facut (Have/get something done/do it oneself)
      Expresii de accentuare a unei afirmatii (Emphatic words and expressions)

      II. Dialoguri situationale (Situational dialogues)
      Timpul (Time)
      Lunile anului (The months of the year) • Data (The date)
      Intrebari frecvente (Common questions)
      Vocabular (Vocabulary)
      Zodii (The zodiac)
      Vremea (The weather)
      Clima (The climate)
      Anotimpuri (Seasons)
      Sarbatori nationale (National holidays)
      Familia (Family)
      Caracteristici fizice si psihice (Physical and psychical features)
      Culori (Colours) • Vocabular (Vocabulary) • Forme si dimensiuni (Shapes and sizes) • Adjective pentru gust/atingere/cantitate (Adjectives used to talk about taste/touch/quantity) • Descrieri de persoane (Talking about appearance) • Dispozitii sufletesti (Modes) • Verbe uzuale (Usual verbs)
      Meserii si afaceri (Trades and businesses)
      Vocabular (Vocabulary) • Discutii de afaceri (Business talk)
      Locuinta (The house)
      In vizita (Paying a visit)
      Calatorii (Travelling)
      Obiective turistice (Touristic sights) • Amplasare (Location) • Indicatoare (Signs) • La hotel (Hotel accommodation) • La vama (At the customs) • La aeroport (At the airport) • La gara (At the railway station) • Pe vapor (Aboard the ship) • Cu automobilul (By car) • Vocabular (Vocabulary) • La agentia de voiaj (At the travel agency) • La banca (At the bank) • La posta (At the post office) • La telefon (Speaking on the phone) • La doctor (At the doctor's) • La restaurant (At the restaurant) • Vocabular (Vocabulary) • Distractii (Amusements) • Sport (Sports) • Vocabular (Vocabulary) • Cinema. Concert. Teatru (Cinema. Concert. Theatre) • La biblioteca (At the library) • La coafor (At the Hairdresser's)
      La cumparaturi (Shopping)
      Cosmetice (Cosmetics) • Articole pentru femei • Articole pentru barbati • Aparatura electrica si electrocasnica • Bijuterii (Jewellery) • Suveniruri (Souvenirs) • La alimentara (At the grocery store) • La florarie (At the flower shop) • Accesorii (Accessories) • Papetarie (Stationery)

      III. Vocabular Tematic (Thematic vocabulary)
      Corpul uman (The human body) • Sanatate (Health) • Casa si imprejurimile (The house and the surroundings) • Sufrageria (The living room) • Baia (The bathroom) • Dormitorul (The bedroom) • Bucataria (The kitchen) • Unelte (Tools) • Educatie (Education) • Justitie (Justice) • Animale (Animals)
      IV. Capcane: Engleza Britanica (British English/BE) versus Engleza Americana (American English/AE)

      V. Mic tratat de gramatica
      1. Tabel fonetic si ortografic al limbii engleze / Pronunciation and spelling table • 2. Ordinea de baza a cuvintelor in propozitie / Basic word order in an English sentence • 3. Substantivul (The Noun) • 4. Articolul (The Article) • 5. Adjectivul (The Adjective) • 6. Adverbul (The Adverb) • 7. Pronumele (The Pronoun) • 8. Verbul (The Verb)

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