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      Coșul tău este gol.
      Joc - Ticket to Ride - Amsterdam
      Joc - Ticket to Ride - Amsterdam
      Joc - Ticket to Ride - Amsterdam
      Joc - Ticket to Ride - Amsterdam
      Joc - Ticket to Ride - Amsterdam
      Joc - Ticket to Ride - Amsterdam
      Joc - Ticket to Ride - Amsterdam

      Joc - Ticket to Ride - Amsterdam

      6.9 / 10 ( 9 voturi)
      Tip produs:
      Joc de societate
      Varsta minima recomandata:
      8 ani
      Numarul minim de jucatori:
      Numarul maxim de jucatori:
      Durata medie:
      10 min.
      Limba jocului:
      Limba regulamentului:
      Engleza, Franceza, Germana
      Cod de bare:
      Preț valabil exclusiv online!
      Împachetare cadou gratuită!
      Transport gratuit peste 150 de lei.
      Retur gratuit în 14 zile.
      Ai întrebări? Contactează-ne!

      Ticket to Ride: Amsterdam - desi are aceleasi mecanici de joc cunoscute din seria Ticket to Ride: colectarea de carti, revendicarea rutelor, extragerea biletelor, noutatea este ca actiunea se desfasoara pe o harta din Amsterdamul secolului al XVII-lea, care permite jucatorilor sa incheie jocul in cel mult 15 minute.

      Te afli in mijlocul Gouden Eeuw, Epoca de Aur Olandeza. Amsterdam este centrul comertului global si cel mai bogat oras de pe Pamant. Marfuri din intreaga lume se aduna pe docuri, in magaziile navelor, in depozite si pe malurile nenumaratelor canale. Asta inseamna ca vei vrea sa profiti de ocazie!

      Welcome to the 17th Century. You are in the middle of the Gouden Eeuw, the Dutch Golden Age. Amsterdam is the beating heart of global trade and the wealthiest city on Earth. Goods from around the world are piling up on the docks, in ship holds, in warehouses, and on the banks of its countless canals.

      In this fast-paced Ticket to Ride game, players race one another to claim the most lucrative commercial routes, fulfill rewarding trade contracts, and collect precious merchandise from the bustling streets of this legendary city. The elegantly simple gameplay of this stand-alone version of Ticket to Ride is ideal for both beginners and seasoned players.


      • 1 board map of Amsterdam’s commercial network
      • 64 plastic Carts (16 in each color)
      • 44 Transportation cards
      • 24 Contract cards
      • 16 Merchandise Bonus cards
      • 4 Scoring Markers
      • 1 rule leaflet
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