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      Just Ask!

      Just Ask!

      7 simple steps to unlock the power of clients, generate referrals and double your business
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      Dimensions: l: 14cm | H: 22cm | 272g
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      Publisher's Synopsis

      'A trusted referral is the holy grail of advertising' - Mark Zuckerberg

      The fastest, easiest, most sustainable way to bring in new clients and grow sales is to ask for referrals from your network; clients, intermediaries, family, friends, and existing and former colleagues. And yet most sales professionals don't ask, or if they do, they end up making themselves and their client feel awkward.

      Graham Eisner has spent 30 years understanding the mindset and methods behind asking for referrals. His 7-step plan helps salespeople understand their own reluctance, change their mindset, and apply practical techniques so they can ask in a way that's both natural and effective.

      From preparation before the meeting and identifying the 'bridge line' to qualifying the referral and managing the response, each step is supported by worksheets and summaries to help you put the principles into action today, so that you can start growing your sales and your business immediately.

      Graham became one of Goldman Sachs's most successful sales professionals by developing a powerful referrals methodology, and he now teaches his system to clients worldwide, including Barclays, Julius Baer, and Deutsche Bank, as well as smaller businesses.

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