he Baby Einstein Music Box Orchestra: Tom Nazziola (piano, keyboards); Bill Weisbach (keyboards, percussion). Baby Einstein: Baby Bach The "Baby Einstein" series features definitive pieces from major classical composers as performed by the Baby Einstein Music Box Orchestra. Baby Einstein: Baby Bach Representing the Baroque period is Baby Bach, which presents delicate, delightful performances of such pieces as "Minuet in G," "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," "2-Part Invention," and movements from Brandenburg Concerto as well as excerpts of Goldberg Variations. Baby Einstein: Baby Bach The orchestra's flutes, harps, synths, percussion, and, of course, music boxes offer plenty of musical colors that complement the complex nature of Baroque music perfectly while giving it a distinctly innocent, childlike feel. A charming album, Baby Bach offers many moods and sounds as well as a creative way to introduce very young children to these timeless melodies. ~ Heather Phares Blister Pack. (www.cduniverse.com)