CD 1:
- 1. Excuse Me, Excuse Me
- 2. This Lah-Di-Dah Dame
- 3. Wore These My First Pro Win
- 4. How Much Does This Bill Say?
- 5. This Is A Set
- 6. Patsy, My Love
- 7. Let's Suppose For Today
CD 2:
- 1. They Say Nothing Is Secret
- 2. Forty Seven, Sixty Three
- 3. It's For You. Why Is It For You?
- 4. Now, In Hebrew Mathmatical Art
- 5. You Didn't Tell Me You Did This Every Morning
- 6. Instrumental 1
- 7. You Love As Though You Have Lost Something
- 8. Give Me My Card Back!
- 9. Hello, Guv'nor, Yes, It's Me
- 10. Intrumental 2
- 11. I've Tried To Tell You What I Think
- 12. Instrumental 3
- 13. I've Spoken To The Guv'nor At The Gym
- 14. There You Are...and That Tree