Practicile spirituale străvechi se întâlnesc cu arta digitală modernă în această copertă caleidoscopică a puzzle-ului, ce prezintă opera lui Android Jones. Humming Dragon îi cere privitorului să se concentreze asupra potențialului de trezire, asupra puterii celui de-al treilea ochi antic și asupra reverberațiilor timpurii care se află în fața noastră.
Ancient spiritual practices meet modern digital art in this kaleidoscopic journal cover featuring the work of Android Jones. Humming Dragon asks the viewer to focus on the potential for awakening, the power of the ancient third eye and the early reverberations of the time that lies before us.
Ancient spiritual practices meet modern digital art in this kaleidoscopic cover featuring the work of Android Jones.
Born in Lyons, Colorado, Android Jones is an independent artist who began studying his craft at age eight before making it his life’s work in 2005. He took his early training at the Ringling School of Art and Design, where he learned traditional drawing and painting as well as animation, before interning at George Lucas’ Industrial Light & Magic. Jones later founded Massive Black, an artwork and asset outsourcing studio based in Los Angeles.
With colours at once psychedelic and hyper-modern, and imagery that combines Eastern iconography and a cutting-edge science fiction æsthetic, Jones is an artist who draws on old traditions and those yet to be born. A member of the Burning Man community, Jones is described as a “digital alchemist” and is renowned for his multidimensional, spiritually driven art and performances and the altered states of consciousness they evoke.
Whether one fancies him a shaman of pop art or a practitioner of electro-mineralism, at the centre of his art is a sense of untapped potential and limitless imagination.
Jones’ art asks the viewer to focus on the potential for awakening, the power of the ancient third eye and the early reverberations of the time that lies before us. And that is exactly what called us to reproduce his art on our journal covers. We first discovered Jones’ work at the Shambhala Music Festival in our home province of British Columbia, Canada, and are so pleased to have had the chance to collaborate with this cutting-edge artist.
With this cover, reproducing Android Jones’ Humming Dragon hyperdigital poster, we invite you to push the boundaries of perception and awaken to the possibilities of your own third eye.