Ocean Playing Cards

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Make a splash at your next card game by swapping your standard card deck with the most spectacular animals from the world's oceans set of playing cards.

  • 52 CARD DECK - The interesting Ocean cards follow the same style as a standard card deck with 52 cards in 4 suits meaning they can be used in the same way. The cards showcase familiar favourites like the clownfish and bottlenose dolphin to the formidable fangtooth and wonderfully weird Christmas tree worm, these colourful creatures will make waves in any game.
  • FUN, COLOURFUL ILLUSTRATIONS: Focusing on illustrations of ocean mammals, fish, molluscs and more, plus two jokers, Holly Exley an illustrator and watercolour enthusiast, based in Derbyshire has capturing the life of the oceans so graciously.
  • BOOKLET INCLUDED: Discover fascinating facts about all 54 ocean mammals, fish, molluscs and more in the accompanying booklet.
  • GIFTS: With a tremendous interest in ocean, the playing cards make the perfect gift for any card or ocean enthusiast within all age ranges.

After playing your hand, discover fascinating facts about all 54 animals in the accompanying booklet.

Recenzii și comentarii

de Oana Stănescu | 22/06/2018 20:02

Am luat setul pentru a i-l face cadou mamei de ziua ei. Best choice ever! Ori de cate ori se strange toata familia la un gratar borcanul mare cu robinet ne vine in ajutor. Fie ca e vorba de o zi caniculara de vara cand dai orice pentru un pahar rece de limonada, fie ca e o zi friguroasa de iarna cand toata lumea se strange in jurul gratarului pentru a se incalzi in timp ce bea o cana de vin fiert cu scortisoara si portocale, borcanul se goleste imediat.

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