Alternative enforcement techniques in EC competition law

Alternative enforcement techniques in EC competition law

Settlements, commitments and other novel instruments
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Dimensions: l: 16cm | H: 24cm

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Publisher's Synopsis

Over the past decade, EC competition law has undergone a range of substantive reforms. Though most of the legal and economic issues arising from their implementation have now been settled, a new wave of reforms has just been passed. These reforms, which will significantly remould the institutional architecture of the EC competition system, cover areas such as the promotion of private enforcement, settlements and leniency applications for hardcore infringements, commitment decisions, market inquiries and informal regulation through guidelines and guidance letters. In order to assess them systematically and consistently, the Institute for European Legal Studies (IEJE) of the University of Liege and the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB) organised a joint conference in lune 2008. This book comprises ail the papers presented at the conference. Authors include J-F. Bellis, C. Brown, D. Hull, A. Komninos, C. Gheur, P. Lambrecht, N. Petit, M. Rato, C. Roquilly, A-L. Sibony, E. de Smijter, J. Temple Lang and D. Waelbroeck.

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