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      Vanishing Africa

      Vanishing Africa

      6.2 / 10 (19 votes)
      Publishing Date:
      Cover Type:
      Page Count:
      Original Title:
      Vanishing Africa
      Dimensions: l: 26cm | H: 26cm | 1834g

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      Publisher's Synopsis

      This book represents months of work of planning and in the field, but above all it is a tribute to the eternal beauty of Africa; the photographs and text 'steal' from the peoples of the Omo a fragment of their mystery and truth. But with delicacy and respect. By examining a small region in the heart of the continent, the books attempts to trace the roots of remotest Africa; the cradle of man, where ancestral bonds with nature still exist. It is a place where the link with the dark side of existence is not hidden, as happens in the West, but exhibited. By means of his camera and his pen, in this book the author has encapsulated long years of study of the most interesting peoples and ethnic groups in Africa. Centered around a series of extraordinary photographs, the book is a sort of reportage from the edge of the world, in search of vanishing Africa.

      Reviews and comments

      Nota 10

      de Raluca Alexandra Chitic | 21/10/2018 20:13

      David Day este un mare fan al lui Tolkien lucru care se vede din numeroasele carti pe care le-a scris despre el si despre universul fictional al pamantului de mijloc. Autorul este practic un fel de expert in Tolkien avand cateva lucrari destul de srioase de cercetare asupra operelor lui. In prezenta carte sunt ilustrate si explicat toate hartile taramului de mijloc. Pentru fani e o carte de colectie. Coperta este dintr-un fel de piele moale si catifelata la atingere cu imaginea gravata. Textul din aceasa carte este dedicat celor care au citit deja cartile lui Tolkien pentru ca foloseste termenii si denumiri din carti fara a le explica ulterior. Cartea este foarte utila pentru o mai buna intelegere a geografiei din carti si a povestii in sine.

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