Filmul nu are subtitrare in limba romana. / This movie does not have Romanian subtitles.
All 24 episodes from the first three seasons of Olivier Marchal's French police thriller. The series follows a group of police led by Eddy Caplan (Jean-Hugues Anglade) who use violent and unorthodox methods in their criminal investigations. When this is brought to the attention of Internal Affairs, the department is faced with the difficult and dangerous task of exposing the group's methods and putting a stop to them. Series one episodes are: 'Max', 'La Ligne Jaune', 'La Tête Dans le Sac', 'L'Autre Rive', 'Loin Derrière la Nuit', 'Tarif de Groupe', 'Tangente' and 'Eddy'. Series two episodes are: 'Les Damnés', 'Seuls Contre Tous', 'Tous Pour Un', 'Chèvres et Chacals', 'Infiltré', 'Mère et Patrie', 'Au Non du Pire' and '4 Moins 1'. Series three episodes are: 'Affliction', 'Nos Funérailles', 'Odessa', 'Stoukatch', 'Le Lait et Le Miel', 'Prologue', 'Andreas' and 'Entre La Terre et L'Enfer'.