Modern India

Modern India

A Very Short Introduction
9.3 / 10 (4 votes)
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Dimensions: l: 11cm | H: 17cm

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Publisher's Synopsis

India is widely recognised as a new global powerhouse. It has become one of the world's emerging powers, rivalling China in terms of global influence. Yet people still know relatively little about the economic, social, political, and cultural changes unfolding in India today. To what extent are people benefiting from the economic boom? Does caste still exist in India? How is India's culture industry responding to technological change? And what of India's rapidly changing role internationally?

This Very Short Introduction looks at the exciting world of change in contemporary India. Craig Jeffrey provides a compelling account of the recent history of the nation, investigating the contradictions that are plaguing modern India and the manner in which people, especially young people, are actively remaking the country in the twenty first century. One thing is clear: India is a country that is going to become increasingly important for the world over the next decades.

ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.

Reviews and comments

Rod Laver. Autobiografie Nota 10

de Denes Endre | 01/05/2017 00:57

Trăim într-o eră în care ne bucurăm de o foarte mare libertate. Libertate a opiniei, libertate a cuvântului, libertate de mişcare. Sporturile se bucură de un foarte mare succes, iar sportivii de performanţă sunt priviţi ca nişte adevărate staruri rock, nişte zei pentru oamenii de rând. Iată că în aceste timpuri efervescente, autobiografiile marilor legende sportive sunt adevărate comori pentru cei care doresc să afle cum arată de fapt omul din spatele performanţei. Rod Laver este o legendă în lumea tenisului. Din autobiografia sa, cu o prefaţă semnată de Roger Federer, aflăm cum a reuşit să câştige Marele Şlem 2 ani consecutiv şi cum a reuşit să treacă cu bine peste multe greutăţi ce au apărut în viaţa lui. O lectura interesantă despre viaţa unei veritabile legende a tenisului.

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