The Heights

The Heights

Matthew Porter's Photographs of Flying Cars
9.3 / 10 (4 votes)
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Dimensions: l: 27cm | H: 30.5cm | 0.7cm | 510g

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Publisher's Synopsis

"I was inspired by the way a car can steal the show. Think of iconic car chases in films--it's often about spectacle, and has little to do with advancing a narrative. And that's the way I think of these cars, as dead-end technologies, but also as high-performance machines which, for their audience, sought to reflect the spirit and attitudes of their time." --Matthew Porter Matthew Porter presents a portfolio of twenty-five images of old-school cars, captured in midair as they careen over city streets and highway intersections. Each photograph is a freeze-frame--a hypothetical film still from a pulp-fiction chase scene. The series seems, on one hand, to distill the essence of muscle-car Americana, a pop-cultural semaphore for the high-testosterone male persona. And yet, on the other, the subject--the "all-American" muscle car as antihero--is caught in an eternal state of suspended animation, while the various elements of the landscape in the background organize themselves around the edges of the frame. The resulting pictures are a hybrid of hyperreality and studied, topographic description, part bittersweet nostalgia and part ironic reinvention of a classic American trope.

Reviews and comments

Rod Laver. Autobiografie Nota 10

de Denes Endre | 01/05/2017 00:57

Trăim într-o eră în care ne bucurăm de o foarte mare libertate. Libertate a opiniei, libertate a cuvântului, libertate de mişcare. Sporturile se bucură de un foarte mare succes, iar sportivii de performanţă sunt priviţi ca nişte adevărate staruri rock, nişte zei pentru oamenii de rând. Iată că în aceste timpuri efervescente, autobiografiile marilor legende sportive sunt adevărate comori pentru cei care doresc să afle cum arată de fapt omul din spatele performanţei. Rod Laver este o legendă în lumea tenisului. Din autobiografia sa, cu o prefaţă semnată de Roger Federer, aflăm cum a reuşit să câştige Marele Şlem 2 ani consecutiv şi cum a reuşit să treacă cu bine peste multe greutăţi ce au apărut în viaţa lui. O lectura interesantă despre viaţa unei veritabile legende a tenisului.

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