Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon

Minimum Design
4.5 / 10 (6 votes)
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Dimensions: l: 23cm | H: 31.5cm

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Publisher's Synopsis

Tunisian- born designer Tom Dixon's career took off in the 1980s when, as an ex- musician and a self-taught welder, he began working for Italian design giant Cappelini. His iconic 'S' chair design produced for Cappelini, and, later, his 'Jack light' created for his own company, Eurolounge, made him an iconic househood name. Dixon's creative process is unusual in that his ideas originate from the tools and materials he has selected, rather than vice versa, creating unique contemporary objects.

In 1998, Dixon was appointed Head of Design by household furnishing retailer Habitat, later becoming Creative Director until 2009. The Tom Dixon brand has gone from strength to strength, expanding to house an interior design arm that has taken on projects such as top restaurants in the UK and abroad. He has been recognised with a plethora of awards and nominations, including most notably an OBE.

Published in the same style of the successful 'Minimum Architects' series, the 'Minimum Designers' series includes books about the major figures in the field of design, creators of objects that have become a part of our daily lives. The lamp on our desk, the chair we are sitting on or the glasses we are wearing have a genius behind to be discovered. These volumes will introduce in a practical manner the personalities and the works of the world's major designers by way of an historical-critical introduction to the work and life of each individual designer.

An accurate selection of the designer's most famous objects arranged in chronological order and a critique of his or her work summarizing the most significant reviews published in magazines and newspapers will complete the subject.

Reviews and comments

de Corina C. | 29/05/2019 20:25

Selfie: cel care celebreaza cel mai bine egocentrismul. Si cei mai umili dintre oameni cred ca au cazut prada acestei modalitati de a ne ridica singuri pe noi in slavi, sau, dimpotriva, de a ne blama. Asta e catch-ul selfie-ului: poate actiona in doua directii si, culmea, niciuna nu este sanatoasa. Will Storr s-a gandit sa ne povesteasca putin cum si de ce a cam luat-o razna sinele nostru si sa ne ajute sa supravietuim intr-o lume in care se cauta perfectiunea. Presiunea sociala din aceste timpuri este, poate, la nivelul cel mai ridicat din istorie si din ea iau nastere comportamente moderne nocive pe care ar fi bine sa le tinem mai bine sub control. Cartea aceasta ne ajuta sa facem asta.

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