Bad Company - Remastered

Bad Company - Remastered

6.4 / 10 (74 voturi)
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Bad Company's 1974 self-titled release stands as one of the most important and accomplished debut hard rock albums from the '70s. Though hardly visionary, it was one of the most successful steps in the continuing evolution of rock & roll, riding on the coattails of achievement from artists like the Eagles and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. From the simple electric guitar lick on "Can't Get Enough" to the haunting bassline in "Bad Company" and the fast beats of "Movin' On," Bad Company exemplified raw rock & roll at its best. Erupting out of an experimental period created by the likes of Pink Floyd, Bad Company signified a return to more primal, stripped-down rock & roll. Even while labelmates Led Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy and IV featured highly acclaimed, colorful album artwork, Bad Company's austere black and white record cover stood out in stark contrast. Six years later, AC/DC used the same idea on their smash Back in Black. Throughout the 35-minute album, Paul Rodgers' mesmerizing and gritty vocals hardly vary in tonal quality, offering a perfect complement to Mick Ralphs' blues-based guitar work. Several songs include three-chord verses offset by unembellished, distorted choruses, filled rich with Rodgers' cries. Bad Company is an essential addition to the rock & roll library; clearly influential to '70s and '80s hard rock bands like Tom Petty, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Boston. (All Music Guide - Gautam Baksi)

Listă piese:

1. Can't Get Enough 4:10
2. Rock Steady 3:46
3. Ready For Love 5:00
4. Don't Let Me Down 4:18
5. Bad Company 4:50
6. The Way I Choose 5:05
7. Movin' On 3:20
8. Seagull 4:06

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Povestea unei lumi noi Nota 10

de Daniel Negoita | 25/02/2018 16:30

Una dintre cele mai lungi cărţi pe care am citit-o. Dar a meritat tot efortul. Tolstoi spune de la început că această carte o să fie despre oameni “obişnuiţi”, nu despre cei care au făcut istorie în acea perioadă(începutul secolului al XIX). Desigur că personajele nu sunt chiar atât de obişnuite. Sunt familii nobiliare ruseşti care au o oarecare influenţă în imperiu. Dar acţiunea nu se concentrează pe cât de bogaţi şi de grozavi sunt ei ci cât de umani şi de vulnerabili sunt. Prin intermediul lor se prezintă o epocă întreagă de schimbări care au oferit o nouă structură lumii europene şi care aveau să o influenţeze peste secole. Nu este doar o poveste de dragoste sau una de război ci o poveste despre o generaţie care a încercat să se obişnuiască cu o lume nouă şi necunoscută. Dacă vrei să aflii cum s-au descurcat va trebui să citeşti cartea.

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