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Technically, it was Paul and Linda McCartney, since this album was very much a collaboration between them. Some of the material was of the standard we expected ("Monkberry Moon Delight," "The Backseat of My Car," "Uncle Albert/AdmiralHalsey"), but somehow it all seemed entirely too whimsical, as if they'd spent a bit too long isolated on the farm. It was the expectations that were the problem, of course. Paul was simply making a lighthearted album, and we wanted earth-shaking pronouncements. Take Ram on its own terms (i.e., fun), and it's throughly enjoyable. --Chris Nickson

Listă piese:
CD 1
1. Too Many People 4:10
2. 3 Legs 2:47
3. Ram On 2:29
4. Dear Boy 2:13
5. Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey 4:55
6. Smile Away 3:52
7. Heart Of The Country 2:23
8. Monkberry Moon Delight 5:24
9. Eat At Home 3:22
10. Long Haired Lady 6:05
11. Ram On 0:55
12. The Back Seat Of My Car 4:30

CD 2
1. Another Day 3:42
2. Oh Woman, Oh Why 4:34
3. Little Woman Love 2:07
4. A Love For You 4:08
5. Hey Diddle 3:48
6. Great Cock And Seagull Race 2:35
7. Rode All Night 8:44
8. Sunshine Sometime 3:22

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