Paperblanks Kirikane Dhyana Square- Mini Memento Box

Paperblanks Kirikane Dhyana Square- Mini Memento Box

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Dimensions: 106g

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Publisher's Synopsis

Holding Endless Possibilities
In the land of small satisfactions, boxes reign supreme. Our new collection of perfectly executed paper boxes features handsome exteriors and all the attention to detail we bring to our journals. Utility and beauty combine in a way that is sure to delight gift givers and receivers alike.

Really, what is a box but possibility itself? What marvels might a box contain? Will it be used to store collections or keepsakes? A child’s hair ribbon or a ticket stub? Receipts or poems? Perhaps the box will house a motley collection of leaky pens that have been used to write everything from grocery lists to love letters. No box could ever be mundane because it is potential embodied. Our lives transcend physical things, but objects are one way we remember who we are and where we’ve been. Whether the blank page or the handsome box – blessed be those places where we entrust our stories.

For our very first collection of Memento Boxes we feature designs inspired by Japanese artist Sayoko Eri (1945–2007), whose works are reflected in our Kirikane journal series.

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